Saturday, June 12, 2010

I dream less

Dreams elude me. I wish I woke up every morning with many tales to recount. Tales about my dreams; tales in my dreams. Even when I get dreams I can't remember them. There are times when I wake up due to a dream and can remember it then, but by never existed. There have been few recurrent nightmares. I remember seeing myself being chased by lions. I don't get those anymore. Another nightmare was of being in a public place and realising that I had not worn my pants. I have never dreamt of myself flying. But I often think of myself floating in air above a garden of flowers. I close my eyes and see myself exquisitely beautiful and blissful enjoying the fragrance and beauty around me. I am at peace with everything. I am floating. This imagination actually makes me elevate. I feel relaxed. I use this picture many times to relax in difficult situations. Another image I see often is me roaming in a jungle with tigers. I am one of them. I lounge with them, nuzzle them and sleep with them. This image makes me very happy. I see myself in beautiful waterfalls, lovely dense rainforests. I have closed my eyes and seen the most beautiful sights. These sights are wholly mine because they are only for my eyes. They are my creations. I see unreal things like unknown colours, unseen flowers, birds and creatures. I can close my eyes and create my own universe; a very different one. I don't dream, I see....

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