Sunday, April 20, 2014

The art of deception

Magic shows were such fun, till I grew older and got disenchanted... And now, weirdly, magic shows leave me irritated. I could not understand this strong irrational dislike for magic when I usually like anything that involves talent, creativity and skill. And I understand that magic has loads of all of these. So what was it?
After some pondering I found this explanation - maybe I had had enough of being fooled. Deception is such an indelible part of our lives. Do we really need a magic show to further that?
Is there a dearth of magicians in this world? Have they not been beguiling us, fooling us, deceiving us with their bag of tricks since centuries? We have always been vulnerable to dazzle. And tricksters have used this vulnerability to their advantage. They trick us with religions, institutions(social, economic, political...), morals, ethics...such a make-believe world they have created for us. And, we are so charmed...we go about following their dictats, dazed and hypnotized. Can we ever snap out of it? We have godmen bestowing us hope -- an end to all our miseries. We have politicians promising us peace and prosperity. We have social institutions like the family offering us love and security.
And the magic never wears off... 

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