Sunday, May 12, 2019

Corporate Communication

One of the joys of the workplace is in finding humor in the jargon-filled cacophony around you. The mirthful irony is when this jargon-infused lit is used to impress on you the need for effective communication!

A day in the office

I reach out to a colleague and give a heads up that I would need to pick his brain. He pings he is swamped and has no bandwidth. As the next step, we promise to put our heads together and deep dive into the 'no brainer' challenge with 5 other valuable resources.
We calendarize the huddle. At the scheduled time, at 'NYC' in Bangalore, we share some 'hear me outs' and 'my 2 cents' and smug glances. One exceptional performer (MBA Grad) speaks real long without saying anything, congratulates himself on pushing the envelope and hands over the heavy lifting to an unsuspecting 'what on earth am I doing here' person. Finally, post the thrash out filled with thinking outside the box moments, some are on the same page, we agree on a ballpark figure and of coursethere are ample key learnings. We part with agreements on who has to be kept in the loop and what has to be taken offline. I promise to circle back with my colleague ASAP. I document the minutes of the meeting marking the decision maker.

On receipt of the mail, the know-all cracks the whip, declares this is no rocket science, and we park the case...

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