Friday, September 9, 2016

Thoughts and sight - the connect/disconnect

Do thoughts manipulate eyesight?Or do eyes call the shots?
The intriguing relationship between mind and eyes!

Am I a feminist?

I wish I had the guts to be a feminist.
In the real world, questioning is not appreciated, non-conformance is not tolerated.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Life is cheap

Jat protests...19 killed...150+ injured...


When I bought grapes & much more...

The vegetable/fruit vendor called me forward and took the basket from me. I had been trying hard to have my turn at getting the fruits weighed and paid for.The man standing next to me launched a tirade - why are you serving she is a woman...have you not seen a woman before...
Scenes like this or display of utter disregard or disrespect for others is not unusual in our markets or roads or society. Some of us seem to be constantly on the lookout for an excuse to abuse someone.What was unusual was the response of the vendor...very politely he said---sir, you need not get angry...I served the lady because I noticed that she had been waiting for a long time. And yes sir, I have seen women before. My mother, my sister are women, so are yours. So kindly show some respect. The man was dumbstruck, so was I. The vendor expressed regret over the incident to me.
I walked home, pondering over his choice of words and felt inspired by his temperament. I got home and jotted down this experience because very rarely do we come across people who win our heart and respect in a few seconds with a few words or gestures... 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The fall of the Martian empire?

Are women usurping the power from men? Is the fall of man inevitable?

Will my great great great grandchildren read about the dark ages in the bright future?

Cut in half

Body splits into two...these words caught my eyes...I looked at the headline again. I registered words like donates his eyes, organs. My self-comfort mechanism told me not to read it.
I read the news.
It was a sad story of an unfortunate death. Just 23 yrs old...could people have actually stood there shooting pics and taking videos when someone was lying hurt, body cut into two, seeking help. I wouldn't know, but media says so.
Harish was conscious and spoke with clarity for about half-an-hour. He must have seen the lower half of his body lying feets away and known that he was dying. Those 30 minutes...the crux of our existence lay scattered in those 30 minutes...