Monday, August 19, 2013

The murder of reason

You live in this make-believe world wherein you tell yourself that goodness, truth, and justice prevail and the world is not such a bad place after all. You tell yourself that certain bad things only happen in movies, rarely in real life. Then comes the rude awakening!
I was shocked to read about Narendra Dabholkar's murder. He, the founder of the Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti, was shot dead. Why? Was the act perpetrated just to shake our faith in goodness? It makes me sad and angry to know that there are people who kill so easily. He was among the few people in India who crusade for the cause of logic and reasoning. What a setback to progressive thought!
In the land of babas & babus, and politicians who promote superstition and kill scientific thinking to further their own ends, there are no takers for rationalism. The voice of rationalism has been feeble in this country and now, this is an attempt to completely throttle it.
Another life lost to a good cause; how I wish we need not have to lose a life for a cause!

1 comment:

  1. Very true Uma. Is there a protest being planned? Murali ettan must be very angry and involved in gathering students for this at VIT. In case he plans to do something at Kulappully do let us know. Jayan Paliath
