Tuesday, July 2, 2013

First day @ work: 3 versions

I got home all clammy, queasy and shaken. I shivered thinking about the ordeal and hid myself under a blanket. I tried to remove the dreadful sounds and sights out of my mind, however the coldness gripped me and i shivered again. I tried to smother the fear in my gut with food. But, the cold dark place kept haunting me till i found solace in sleep. Then I tossed and turned in sleep tormented by the sound of multiple keyboards, oh-so-intelligent conversations, the soporific meetings....
God! the traumatic experience of  my first day at work!!

Ah! the beautiful music emanating from the keyboards,  the soothing chatter of colleagues, the warm welcome smiles, the kind words, the vibrant vibe in the air, the industrious feel,  the excitement of productiveness, the confidence of purposefulness --- to work is such a joy! What an awesome feeling to be part of a creative process throbbing with constructive ambition! My beautiful first day at work!

Half-a-day spent filling up multiple forms confirming my birth, growth and stupidities. The next half spent grinning and looking all pepped up when all you wanted was to go to the loo; making small formal, semi-formal conversations; feeling like an idiot but trying to look like Mark Zuckerberg; looking around with bambi eyes for a comforting smile or nod; looking at the watch when no one's watching; trying to look busy; and then, finally walking out of that door, breathing in fresh air, and counting the days to the weekend, after that BIG first day at work.

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