Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Another diwali

Another year, another diwali.
Every year along with the lamps, lights, sweets and crackers come these sweet memories which have become the only interesting part of diwali for me. It is the special people who make occasions called festivals so special. My dad loved all festivals, especially diwali. Every memory of this festival is associated with him. His child-like enthusiasm was so endearing. He didn't mind spending above his means on fireworks. I remember having the most and the best crackers amongst my friends. The sleepless nights before we went for the diwali shopping trips, the excitement in the air - all seems like yesterday!
After many years, when i could not be with him for diwali, he would call and excitedly inquire about the fireworks i had purchased. He still had the same enthusiasm for the festival, though i had lost it somewhere down the line. I used to feign some excitement for him. Today, i have lost that reason also.

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