Friday, May 21, 2010

Afghan Star

Setara is made of stuff that makes a person stand apart from ordinary mortals. Her feat may not sound extraordinary. She is neither an astronaut nor the CEO of any top-notch company. All she did was dance. This Afghan girl dared to dance in a show which was watched by one-third of the country's population. I saw a documentary on Nat Geo about the singing contest 'Afghan Star' in war-torn Afganistan. The girl contestant Setara brought tears to my eyes for the sheer guts she displayed by dancing on TV with her veil slipping down her head. Her bravery is so inspiring. Watching her I feared for her life. Many Afghans shared my view and many openly issued death threats, calling her act totally unislamic. Right from the girl who dares to wear a pair of jeans, where salwar kameez is the norm, to the girl who refuses to give dowry are the real heroes for womankind, their seemingly small acts of courage pave the way for major upheavals. These are people who dared, who dared to think and act out of the box...

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