Sunday, May 23, 2010

A perfect flower

Only nature's creation can be perfect...a flower is a flower, each petal a mark of perfection, the feel, the is the absolute sensory delight. The colours, shapes, fragrances may vary but they are just superficial effects, the beauty is in the soul of the flower; it is the happiness it exudes in its beauty which gives it the perfection. The joy of looking at a flower is bountless. It stays with you forever. The flower withers but the joy it imparts stays on. The timeless beauty...

Reality sucks

In my thoughts I  achieve so much; I swim across oceans, give speeches to a standing ovation, solve complex math problems, find love, dazzle people with innovations, be a star... and yet reality falls so short. These are not impossible feats. If only I could bring out even half of what an individual is capable of.
Aah...I should just stop thinking.....

Only friends

What was supposed to be a fun occasion turned out to be just that, but not only had brought some accompaniments. It brought with it moments of regret, envy, sadness and helplessness. After an evening of laughter I went home with a heavy heart. I met my ex-colleagues recently. There were the usual hugs and oh u ve put on weight...and whatz up etc.... I watched them and realised that I was not in the group any more. Of course, friendship was intact but the bond that comes by sharing the same workplace was gone. They discussed colleagues and work as usual, only I was not part of it anymore. It is so tough to let go. I wanted to be a part of their world. But I had lost that privilege. We were just friends...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Afghan Star

Setara is made of stuff that makes a person stand apart from ordinary mortals. Her feat may not sound extraordinary. She is neither an astronaut nor the CEO of any top-notch company. All she did was dance. This Afghan girl dared to dance in a show which was watched by one-third of the country's population. I saw a documentary on Nat Geo about the singing contest 'Afghan Star' in war-torn Afganistan. The girl contestant Setara brought tears to my eyes for the sheer guts she displayed by dancing on TV with her veil slipping down her head. Her bravery is so inspiring. Watching her I feared for her life. Many Afghans shared my view and many openly issued death threats, calling her act totally unislamic. Right from the girl who dares to wear a pair of jeans, where salwar kameez is the norm, to the girl who refuses to give dowry are the real heroes for womankind, their seemingly small acts of courage pave the way for major upheavals. These are people who dared, who dared to think and act out of the box...

I can fly

I remember a day in summer in kerala. I must have been five or six then. I was waiting at a bus stop and there was this shop next to it selling grocery, fruits, cold drinks: well, a bit of everything. It had a drink called 'Fly', in orange color, and I couldn't take my eyes off it. I was sure then that if I drank that drink I could fly. I imagined drinking and soaring up, up, up. 

Saturday, May 8, 2010

State of I

Is laziness fatal? Oh my god, no cure? Then I hope it's contagious! One nice lazy world would be so blissful....