Friday, March 22, 2019

Why the prefix 'Dalit'?

The header read 'NLSIU Dalit student hangs himself in hostel room'. The instant thought was "oh no, not another victim of caste-related harassment". But the story connected to caste nowhere. This is the media in India - more communal, racial and opportunist than any religious or political institution.
The 22-year-old student of NLSIU had committed suicide but the cause was yet not known.
The loss of a young life was tragic. Why was the caste or religion of the boy important?

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The mob terror

A 24-year-old truck driver was beaten to death by a mob after his vehicle ran over a six-year-old boy on the outskirts of Bengaluru a few days ago. 
It turns out that the driver, Radhe Shyam, actually paid the price for a car driver's folly who had parked his car on the roadside and had carelessly opened the car door, hitting the scooter on which the boy was pillion-riding. The impact had thrown the child under the truck's wheels. 

Beware the power of an assembly of fools! Beware the crazed animal called man!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

I fear sleep

I fear sleep
I reject the state of non-existence
I dread loss of control
I fret over lost time
I worry at the futile activity
I agonize over the missed experiences
I lose sleep over sleep
I fight, I fight
I give in

Friday, March 8, 2019

The journey

Life is a journey
from beautiful to ugly
from innocence to guilt
from playfulness to gravity
from fearless to fear
from sensitivity to insensitivity
from allure to boredom
from love to hatred
from trust to doubt
from questioning to acceptance
from togetherness to loneliness
from helplessness to helplessness
from the dark to the dark