Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Bring it on 2013

When  the worst happens, simple acts give you the faith to hang on. A friendly smile, a selfless act, an understanding hug, an empathetic look... make a huge difference. As the year ends, i look back at a year well-lived. Never is life totally sad, bad or bleak, there are always those bright moments that make life worth living. So, cheers to a battle well-fought and bring it on 2013. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Lost forever

Tragedies leave you feeling helpless and dazed more than shattered. How does one deal with losing loved ones. Some people live yet they are dead for you, and some die and become more alive for you. Recently, i experienced some losses,... felt a friend's pain who lost a brother and a dear friend in the span of a month's time. People who were full of life today were gone the next. How difficult it is to not hear a person again...the person who had so much to share with you and others. I look at the phone numbers and the Facebook accounts of the people who are no more and feel so confused. Why, why did they have to go. I know that it's a stupid question to ask. One can't question the ways of life, which includes death. I can't believe that a person who was so loved by so many people and was so full of love and life just stops being, leaving behind those people to deal with pain and helplessness.
And amidst the painstaking coming to terms with life, you realise that it's not to death that you always lose loved ones. When you lose living people to diseases of the mind, you realise the irony of life. Out of their own choice, people who were there for you today, may not be there tomorrow. You realise life can just mean learning to cope with losses -- loss of  innocence, loss of tolerance, loss of dignity, loss of self respect, loss of faith, loss of love, loss of trust, loss of youth, loss of clarity, loss of perspective -- it's a never-ending list of losses.